Monday, August 20, 2012

First Day of School, First Day to Blog

Well, here we go. I've never had one of these things, these internet diaries of people's thoughts and feelings--otherwise known as the "web log." And some highly intelligent and magnificently creative person, probably an American because we like to make words shorter for no good reason, thought to combine the two words to make "blog."

My school: HQ for the next ten months
Why am I doing this? Because there are so many people who find my life absolutely, that's not it. I'd be surprised if anyone ever reads these (excluding my mom). I think the real reason I've decided to write a blog is self-serving. I want to be a writer. I want to be an amazing writer. But how can I do that if I don't write, so here are my practice rounds.

I want to write about what I see, what I hear, what I experience. Hopefully, this will even encourage me to do something actually exciting, something besides do my laundry on a Saturday whilst watching Netflix. I hope my blog will be fruitful for me and enjoyable for you, my readers (Hi Mom).

I tend to ponder about movies I see.

I hope I can offer you something as well. Here, I plan on writing reviews of movies and trailers I see. I'm a Film major, so needless to say I love movies. I'll review popular movies but also those less heard of which you can probably find on Netflix or YouTube. My other major being Writing, I will also be reviewing books, mostly of the children's lit (I'm taking a class on it this semester) and Young Adult fiction (I hope to write my own someday), but be prepared for a classic or two.

My blog, An RG93Production, is also about filmmaking (hence the title). I'll talk about the movies I'll be working on for Student Filmmakers Association (SFA) and the scripts I work on. Intrigued? You should be.

Anyways, to commemorate my first day of my second college year I start a new adventure. I shall join the university circus, attempting to juggle five classes, Tae Kwon Do, SFA, Quidditch, being a Desk Assistant for my dorm hall, and maybe a service organization. Woot Woot! Wish me luck. Or in the words of The Hunger Games, may the odds be ever in my favor. Peace out.

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