Thursday, May 30, 2013

Trailer Review: Before Midnight

So I kept seeing the trailer for this on TV. TV I would like to remind you is always a novelty experience during breaks because I HAVE NO TV AT SCHOOL... -__- .... Anyways, I kept seeing the trailer on TV and just knew it was an Indie-flick (it's like this sixth sense I have). The thing about Indie-flicks is that they are typically truer to life, feel more realistic, and more often than not showcase humorous trailers for films that end up decidedly deeper, sadder, or darker in tone. But that's definitely not a bad thing; it's a great thing in my opinion. I have a feeling this might be one such film.

After learning more about this film, I discovered it was the third installment of a trilogy 18 years in the making. Before Sunrise (1995) follows Jesse (Ethan Hawke) and Celine (Julie Delpy) as they first meet on a train in Europe and spend the night together. Before Sunset (2004) joins them 9 years later when they reunite on Jesse's book tour for a book their night together inspired. Now in Before Midnight (2013), we join them 9 years later as a couple with their twin daughters. This movie has less of the rosy-colored romance of the first two, but I think it will address a more real issue: what it means to be with someone when time has worn at the luster of romance. And if that wasn't enough to intrigue you, this film received a Metacritic score of 97%, meaning the film critics loved this film (I didn't think they gave such high reviews). This is definitely a movie I hope to see.

For my Arizona friends, this film will be showing at Harkins Camelview 5 in Scottsdale starting this Friday.

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