Monday, January 21, 2013

Fall 2012: The Recap!

So as a recap of the last semester, here's some highlights. I ended with a 3.810 cumulative GPA (gosh, I'm slackin'). I became in active member in a coed service fraternity (Who would have thought? Not me.).  I joined an improv comedy training group on campus and actually had the opportunity to perform in front of an audience (I learned that I'm not the only person who thinks I'm funny). I attempted to join the Tae Kwon Do club but didn't commit. Never fear, I'm trying again with a vengeance, and I am not too shabby for being gone a decade (true story). I made another self-produced short film for a class: it was...okay I suppose (you be the judge: "One and the Same").

I found out who some of my best friends are, a few people who truly know me and accept ALL my quirks. I also found out which friends I'm drifting apart from, and it's okay. I'll  still see them. I'll still love them. We're just growing up and growing into the lives we were meant to have. It's hard, but life's hard (whoa, this is taking a more serious tone than I was going for; oops). The silver lining is that time brings new people into your life, not to replace the people who once held prominence but to add prominence to your daily life. I made so many new friends from all the different things I involved myself with (I definitely had a social life in Fall 2012 compared the frosh year). I even became friends with a 12-year-old girl I sat next to in my children's lit class; she'll end up doing great things later, and I'll get to say, "I knew her when."

Anyways, those are some of the things that stand out. Just typing this makes me a bit sad. I know I did so many things and had such a great time last semester, but time is no friend of memories and already I forget the little things. Let that be a lesson to us: Write down those precious moments while they are fresh in your heart and mind. Peace.

1 comment:

  1. You said it perfectly, "time is no friend of memories" , so jot a few lines down, a few lines will leave an impression. Love you baby girl.


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