Monday, January 21, 2013

New Year, New Attempt

So I'm back. I was not abducted by aliens, leprechauns, Kermit, or other green "men." I simply prioritized the rest of my life ahead of this lovely blog o' mine. I can't even say all my endeavors should have been put ahead of adding to this blog (curse you YouTube and your many random, yet captivating, videos). To my one reader, my sincerest apologies. I'll keep this as brief as possible...for now.

So now that it's a new year and a new semester, I figured: what the hey; let's do this thing. In a culture that is outrageously depressed (just found out antidepressants were the number one selling prescription), people keep far too much to themselves. I'm one such person. Now don't get your hopes up; I'm not telling you everything, but maybe if I share things about my experiences, I might better serve my mental health and offer comfort in the fact that you aren't alone. I'm right here. Peace.

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